Counseling Services

Individual Counseling
Individual counseling is the perfect setting to develop better coping skills, communication strategies, process grief, increase self-esteem, or improve your relationships. I am happy to meet you where you are at whether you know exactly what you want to work on, or you do not know where to begin. The process is as unique as each person and provides the opportunity for greater insight and authentic self-expression.

Adolescence Support
We work with ages 13 and older, offering individual counseling to the pre-teen and teen, as well as parent support. This is a collaborative approach between clinician, client, and their parent(s). Cognitive Behavior Therapy, Attachment Science, and trauma informed pair well to improve self-esteem, communication habits, emotional regulation, and relationships with self and others.

Trauma Recovery
Trauma is not measured by the incident but by the impact. Research suggests that trauma is stored in the body which is why somatic approaches such as EMDR have proven to be successful in treating trauma symptoms and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Talk therapy and EMDR are paired to help decrease reactivity to triggers, improve relationships with self and others, gain insight, and restore a sense of hope.
Fees & Billing
Counseling Fees
We work with couples as well as individuals who are 15+ years and older. Individual sessions range from $140 to $175 depending on provider. Cash, check, credit/debit, and HSA cards are accepted.
Clients sometimes like to come once a week, but circumstances may call for more in the beginning or you may wish to come less frequently. How often you come is up to you. Schedule can be discussed when you meet with your clinician meet and adjusted as needed. We provide in-person and tele-health appointments.
Out-Of-Network Insurance
Our services are covered by most insurances that include out-of-network, outpatient psychotherapy benefits. Out of network insurance plans differentiate between how much financially is covered or reimbursed by in and out of network providers. By using an OON provider, you as the client/patient take on the financial responsibility of payment. Not all insurance plans reimburse for OON providers. Check if telehealth has a different rate too. Clients pay up-front at time of session (or at the end of that day, when payment is processed) and, upon request, can be provided a bill to submit for reimbursement. It is the clients responsibility to find out the information from the insurance company and submit the claim. If there is any insurance reimbursement, it goes directly to the client. This is called the Fee For Service method.
You will be asked to submit a specific form (provided by our office) with the following information: Patient name, diagnosis code (in order for insurance to recognize the service as medical), procedure code, units for procedure code, the billed amount, and the place of service.